Background Investigations

JMN Investigations is a leader in providing Background Checks to our Corporate Clientele .Our proven techniques in conducting Background Checks, will streamline both the ordering and monitoring processes of your Reports. In todays Litigious environment, a Background Check  can be the difference between hiring a quality Employee, or taking on needless risk. With our new Automated Background Checks system, you can now place your order, on our web-based Portal. Your Background Check Report can then be monitored, stored and re-printed at anytime. Concerned about the cost? Stop worrying. We’ve integrated our Background Check system, to allow our new technology to streamline your orders. Why? To save you money. By spending less time on your Background Checks, and allowing our Technology to carry the load, we can reduce your prices…..and keep it simple! Call us today for your price competitive and technology enhanced Background Checks.

Whether your interest is Domestic related or Employee consideration we can assist you. Domestic background checks usually center around preemptive intentions. Prenuptial agreements, the marriage of a child to someone questionable, and personal engagements with others are all good reasons to conduct background checks.

When you call in and request a background check, your investigator will ask you several questions; trying to determine the area within which to concentrate the search. Areas that can be examined include Criminal, Civil, Motor Vehicle (DUI), Business, Assets and more personal details.

JMN Investigations will work with you to concentrate on one specific area, or all areas, depending on the needs of the case. It is more cost effective to concentrate on specific areas, as opposed to a complete check.

Employee Pre-Screening Investigations typically involve researching a prospective employees background for credential verification and elements not consistent with your needs. Statistics show that 45% of job applicants falsify at least one piece of information on their applications. Avoid unnecessary expense and liability in eradicating a problem employee, determine the character, background and credentials of a potential employee before you hire. We can provide you with the proper release forms, as well as all F.C.R.A. guidelines that may affect your hiring process.

Our services include, but are not limited to:
Verify school, major, degree and dates of attendance.

Verify dates, salary and job titles (two previous employers).

Accidents, convictions, DUI’s, departmental actions.

Status of current, closed or delinquent accounts including bankruptcies and public records.

Court Searches:
Criminal: Felony and Misdemeanor.

Superior and Municipal.

Licenses Held:
Professional or Contractor.

Professional standing and complaints filed.